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Why You Need Cost-to-Serve Modeling

Does your company have a cost-to-serve model? Many distributors abandon their models when the reports contradict their pre-existing beliefs or tell them something they don’t want to hear.

In this video interview, we discuss why cost-to-serve models are vital to your profitability and how the approach has improved over the years.

Identify and Maximize Profit Generation Through Segmentation

Dr. Jonathan Bein of Real Results Marketing and Waypoint Analytics President Randy MacLean explain the benefits of segmentation to profit generation. This is one of the most powerful tools a distributor can use to accelerate profits—when it’s done right.

Why Leadership Development is Critical to Growth

In this 10-minute video, Randy MacLean and Major General John Batiste discuss how the U.S. Army uses empowerment and training to increase effectiveness, and why these elements of leadership training apply so well to private businesses.

Every business leader can take something away from this video.

Critical Analytics for Distribution

Using a real P&L sheet, Randy demonstrates how understanding net profit and line-item profit analytics (LIPA) is absolutely essential to managing your company’s financial well-being.

These powerful tools can have a tremendous impact on your bottom line. Identify your profitable areas, capitalize on them, and avoid segments which eat away at your profits.

The Changing Role of a Sales Rep

Randy MacLean and Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert discuss how the concierge customer service function is integrated with the selling function. Concierge service is part of the evolution of selling in the distribution industry, and comes just in time. Unlike almost every other function, in distribution there is usually no division of labor in the sales process. The tradition is still that a sales rep is in charge of the whole process including lead generation, prospecting, qualification, presentations, closing, follow up, customer service, and even sometimes credit collection. The reality is that no one can do all of these functions well, so there is lots of room for error and mistakes with customers.

How Money is Made in Distribution

Randy MacLean shares his analysis of over $65B of distribution business to help others shed false assumptions about how to make money.

Businesses that have stellar results are those best able to understand profit dynamics, and move the profit needle not just by 5% or 10%, but by doubling or tripling the bottom line.

Efficiency in Distribution: The Key for Super-Performance

How do the top-of-the-top performers in any industry get there? What do they do differently? Is distribution any different? Listen in as Randy and Steve discuss how new metrics have shed light on their secrets. Learn how the super-performers consistently show data for revenue to bottom line of over twenty percent. And, this metric is not industry specific. This type of performance has to do with how the companies are organized and run.

The Simple Math of Concierge-Level Customer Service

Exceptional service may seem like a great idea, but it is not cheap. Dr. Jeanne Hurlbert of the Hurlbert Consulting Group addresses the perceived cost of concierge-level customer service with Randy MacLean and argues how exceptional service is a money-making proposition.

In mature markets where price and availability are similar, concierge customer service is the new competitive advantage.

A Two-Step Strategy for Being Number One

In this video, Bruce Merrifield, Vice President of WayPoint Analytics, turns the tables on Waypoint President Randy MacLean, and asks Randy to strategize on how to beat the competition.

Why You Should Be Optimizing Inventory

Randy MacLean and Bruce Merrifield explain why it’s important to optimize inventory in the same way you focus personnel and other resources on the best profit opportunities. Using deep profit analytics, you’ll discover opportunities not available to your competition, and some of the most important strategies are covered.