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Webinars: eCommerce Strategy

Bruce Merrifield presents: Your eCommerce Strategy

Bruce’s distribution-channel-guru (and operator) full story is at www.merrifieldact2.com. For the past years, he has been a non-stop student and reporter on the big shift from product-pushing channels to Cloud, Omnichannel Pull strategies. Check his curated posts with commentary on LinkedIn . He’s happy to “connect” with any fellow eCommerce thinkers. The series consist of 11 sessions to cover all the aspects of this fundamental shift, from the threat, the strategies, the plays to the change management.

The purpose of this series? To answer and then execute on these questions:

For B2B Manufactured Brands:

  • How to get internal associates and channel partners to see and embrace working towards new – channel, business and e-selling- models to win at Cloud Ecommerce (before 2023)?
  • Why is the best “digital-content-engagement strategy” for final-buyers vital to your relevance/survival.
  • What omni-channel, service support solutions will digital-engagement spark?
  • How might distributors be both dis-intermediated and re-intermediated in a profitable way?
  • How can you persuade distributors to embrace and collaborate on new channel models and economics vs status-quo resististance?

For distributors. Take the lead and be the answer to your suppliers’ challenges:

  • What will be your own business and e-selling models be for winning at Cloud Ecommerce 2023?
  • In many channels, Amazon information will pressure both margins on most net-profitable SKUs and indirectly your standard, selling-cost-bundle models. But, the bigger opportunity will be taking market-share from legacy competitors who don’t change. Specifically how?

The C-19 crisis has rendered all of these changes urgent.

Start your journey with this primer on the challenges

See the 11 webcast now.

#1 Be open to and embrace three, new paradigms:

1) The inevitability of digitally empowered, end-user buyers by 2023; and,

2) Why both manufacturers and distributors must rethink their business models at a granular analytics level. This unweaving and reweaving of channel activities will require Line-Item-Profit-Analytics (LIPA)

3) Then, (a 3PL, services-a-la-carte-for-fees type) model-flexibility becomes possible.

#2 Amazon Business Effects

1) Many underestimate the net-profitable SKU business AMZ will take or price compromise

2)Distributor cost-structures can’t compete with AMZ on small, spot-buy orders

3)Refocus, Renew what you do best. Sell what AMZ can’t: system replenishment solutions to best accounts

#3 Net-Profit Analytics Basics

1)Without a cost-to-serve model distributors accumulate losing activities and lack the insights to fix them.

2)The busy-ness from losing customers distracts from doing more for best, net-profitable accounts.

3)Those incented on sales and margin dollar volume will fight new insight plays even though the upside gains would benefit them (and all).

#4 Net-Profit-Analytics Plays I

1)How GM$s/FTEE is a 4-win metric

2) CEO takes #1 account to next level

3)Fixing 3 types of losing customers

4)Beef best SKUs; Fix Losing Ones

5)Big Rebate Suppliers: New Angles

#5 Net-Profit-Analytics Plays II

1)High Credit Activity Expense Customers

2)Customer-Niche, Service Excellence Innovation/Domination

3)Better, High-Yield Quoting Niches

#6 Net-Profit-Analytics Plays III

1) Reducing Repetitive Inter-Branch SKU Activity

2) Analytical Concepts/Tools

3) Solving (Branch) Counter Sales Unprofitability

#7 Net-Profit-Analytics Plays IV

1) Types of Big GM$ Accounts

2) Measurable friction. Pinpoint with 15 Deep-Dive Lenses

3) Biggest Loser Analysis/Solution

4) Worst, small loser: analysis/solution

5) Price-Judo into Partnership Path pitch

#8 Migrating to New Selling Models for 2023

1) Solving the - “Reps Won’t Like (any of) This”- problem

2) Review of E-Selling Model Imperatives, Options

3) Guidelines for Tailored Solution For Each Rep

4) Calculating a Risk of Defection Number/Rep

5) Using Net-Profit Lens. Downsize, Upgrade?

#9 The changing field sales models for 2023

1) Where your "don’t-mess-with" selling-model came from?

2) What are the forces and drawbacks requiring new e-selling models

3) How alternative channels have met this challenge for change ideas

#10 Re-organizing to better crack target, whale accounts.

But, how do you take this capability to a much-higher, systematic level before competitors do it to you?

1) Developing a Next-Level, Formal-Cracking Ability

2) With 5 Specific (New?) Conceptual Tools

#11 Managing change and migrating to a data-driven culture

Less than 1% of companies claim that all decisions are made with good upfront data analysis. 53% of managers want to keep shooting from the hip. In this closing presentation, Bruce:

1) Reviews the Entire Journey

2) Re-defines the concept tools & guidelines for the Trip

Education is the cure!