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Driving Performance

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The very nature of all companies is to maintain stasis. The primary role of leadership is to effect change to break stasis. Failure to effect change result in loss of profits, cash-flow and market position.

WayPoinst Analytics guides the best performing Distributors and we can help you break stasis in your business. In these 2 presentations, we cover the basics to both building a culture of high-performance and measuring the results in a quest of profit growth.

Transitioning Into a High-Performance Company

This is the core of a success strategy that can deliver a durable advantage and sustained profit gains, starting right now.

Measuring & Driving Performance

We present here a new framework for assessing customer and operating unit value, and then introduce the metrics used to prioritizing for profit (and customer satisfaction).

You need actionable metrics to control & improve your company’s profits.

Remember that conventional financial metrics are:

  • results, not drivers (not actionable)
  • revenue, margin, order size, etc. don’t work because they don’t measure the things that matter

You will need an analytics package to make this work. We offer you over a decade of fine-tuned Distribution Analytics, in a turnkey solution.

Watch our instant demo video for a guided tour of some of the best reports in WayPoint and either Click here to email us or call us at 480-426-9955 to arrange a no-obligation live demonstration for you and your team.